January 10, 2010

刚做完report打 开电视,在一个很无聊的晚上看了这部片子The Devil Wears Prada,她的同事拿一枝睫毛膏给她,她问:“请问这个是什么东西啊?”哈哈哈!想象一下,如果你第一天在知名杂志公司上班你一身平凡的打扮, 被人从头到脚指着说:“你想造反啊”(很可怜不是吗?哈哈哈>.<
女主角叫Andy,就算自己多努力工作也无法得到赞赏,打算重新改造自己开始学习如何让自己装扮得有品位,学习在短短数分钟内列出几项工作安排行程,学会了把每一件事情一一写在本子上,学着如何有效的争辩,学会了在上班的时候不驼背地走路(哇~好困难一下的 XD~)所以工作上越来越顺,她的上司Miranda决定带着前往巴黎。去巴黎的决定让她失去了男友朋友的爱。
到最后我们谁都没想到Miranda竟然牺牲自己多年的好搭档保住了自己的地位,此事令Andrea深感失望,发现得到了工作却放弃了友情和爱情,工作上要将别人狠狠打压下去,于是她选择了,回到自己的世界。 这部戏告诉人们做一个女魔头需要具备的,魔头不是谁都 能做的来的。欣赏Miranda做事的作风,称得上是现 代的女强人,但是完美中都逃不了缺点,不是吗? 如果一定要靠出卖灵魂和不断的背叛来获得成功和优越的生活,如果我是Andy我也会像她那样做,选择做回自己。

January 08, 2010

A book

Fulfill ? went to MPH, This book paused me a few minutes when I passed by the shelf. & the caption: explore your meaning? are you finding a pathway to keep away yourself from an aimless life? are you looking for true purpose?I noticed a phrase in this book : don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that......If you want to find a true purpose in your life, ask yourself what makes you alive? hmmm... like this,

got a funny thing to share, i went to a bookshop when i was in brunei, the similar book,more or less the same, also caught my eyes and i was intending to buy it , a chinese man walked towards me, i supposed he was a salesman there but he wasn't, you wouldn't feel like want to read the book anymore if someone tell you the whole story of the book =_=(don't like this kind of man, very kepo,haha~ imaging your husband or boyfriend are like that, haha! ),anyway it's quite dangerous to talk with a stranger, don't ever do that..i shouldn't shopping alone, that time my mom was in the supermarket next door.haha~wondering ppl in brunei are very friendly??????

January 01, 2010

2010! new year, gonna be old T_T..me feel old, sigh~dad and mom..zzz..haven done any achievement for them to see? Anyway, it's gonna be a new life for me, more challenge to go. Strive hard in my studies ! Let's begin!