August 12, 2010

6 reasons to turn off your TV ! 
1st, television is addictive ! ( become a habit one day, just like the cigarette )
2nd, television eats your time ( do your homework ! )
3rd,  television is not relaxation ( I thought could relax, but turns to cannot control you mood,    
        feeling angry due to certain uninteresting scene in the TV you watched )
4th, Television ruins your relationships (cannot develop a deeper relationship with your family, friends and your 
       loved one )
5th, Television makes you overweight ! (arghh..junk food ! how enjoy to have a tub of potatoes chips in front of 
       TV..xD..main causes of obesity among children)  
Lastly, television costs money! (you have to pay electric bill ! zzzzzzzzzzzz xD )