February 20, 2010

今天经过肯雅兰的一间老店,看到很多我小时候的玩具,还 有童年玩过的新年灯笼,小时候常常去买“冰棍”,长长的一条,还可以分成很多段呢!那时候看到很多五颜六色的冰棍就会很开心,有红的,有 绿的,黄的。。。小时候,过年特别开心,觉得什么都想吃,什么都好吃,一块普通饼干,或是一块”茶果“,都可以吃到很开心。长大 后这种感觉渐渐地消失,过年好像没有以前那么开心,好像都没有以前过年的那种气氛,即使过年也好像也没给我们放假,都很忙,那天外婆去检查身体,医院里的人 多到。。也有很多华人在场,过年归过年,时间的安排让我们也没办法,只好抽空来医院一趟。小时候公公婆婆年初一晚上一定会带我和 表弟姐妹们去padungan老街那里的大白猫雕像拍个照,它还穿着可爱的新年旗袍~好可爱~那时小小的身体,我们很爱躲在它的肚子底下。已经很久没 有去走走看看古晋新年的夜景,到处都是一连串红红的灯笼,以后一定要再回去那里和大白猫照个像。小时候真好。

好~attach照片(在google images找很久才找到的)。 你们知道古晋哪里还有卖这种bubble 吗?那天去肯雅兰店找不到这个了,童年 :'(

February 14, 2010

Happy CNY 2010
every year my family have been very formulaic in greeting CNY. Talk about reunion dinner on eve? same as usual =_= ,this year my cny strategy, to improve my knowledge on cooking ! my mom can’t took her time slowly to do her dishes, hope this year i would not exclaim, pointing to the cooking pot and asked : "how do you guys get this thing back?????? and how're we going to get deal with that ?” how to cook...etc?=_=..for sure, my dad is going to titter.

There is an expectation for me, I am very looking forward to my small little cousin and for sure I am going to pinch his juicy face but I know he will able to attack me before I got the chance to do=.= so,between,grandma voiced out,山人自有妙计,means she’ll have her "very own way” to overcome my little cousin’s deception.
Meanwhile, my sister is enjoying doing her decoration with those angpau and cardboard, and still got another two horrible ladies standing in my house garden playing their fireworks, threw towards me(horrible, me shouted, kinda 狼狈 =_=) but tonight would have been very busy. Everyone is eating their family dinner, some people even have chosen this time to go out with their lover for a valentine's dinner,is that a romantic thing? haha, happy cny and happy valentine to all.

O_O flower, anyway not mine XD

some of them failed T_T